nvidia-xconfig as a root trouble
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2018-01-20 20:11
Good Morning,

I try run as a root in terminal command nvidia-xconfig, but when I click enter I get message "command not found". I have installed latest nvidia drivers, so I don`t know what I do wrong.
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2018-01-21 04:20
Maybe because you must want to use nvidia-settings command... If you're speaking about editing config file from terminal, there is a problem, by default config file isn't on /etc/X11 directory, its on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, so, if you try to open it that way you can't, or you'll end creating a new and empty config file, replacing all the choices you've set before. Search where is the config file in X11 directory and then open it using sudo gedit -path to file-, personally I think gedit made more easier to change config than Nvidia commands in terminal. Greetings
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2018-01-21 05:15
Edited by ihusky02 at 2018-1-20 21:18

ok thanks, otherwise can you tell me why internal mic don`t work after I connect headphones?
Ehhh I type in terminal "nvidia-settings" and click enter, but command not found
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2018-01-21 13:56
Are you sure that you have propietary drivers enabled? Have you the "NVIDIA X Server Settings" on your app's list? For audio devices, sudo apt install pavucontrol, its an app to manage sound devices, Deepin doesn't automatically change the sound default option when you plug or unplug a device, so its better to have PulseAudio (pavucontrol) installed.
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2018-01-21 21:09
Are you sure that you have propietary drivers enabled? Have you the "NVIDIA X Server Settings" on yo ...

I install deepin graphic manager and change drivers so it`s ok now. This replaced NVIDIA X Server Settings which I had.
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