Apache does not start with the Deepin | Apache 不從視窗開始
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2018-05-28 06:35
Edited by josemarcos at 2018-6-5 21:08

我在 Deepin 中安裝了 Apache, 但我意識到很多時候它不是從 Deepin 開始的。我必須通過終端重新開機。我怎樣才能解決這個問題?

Hey, guys.
I installed Apache in Deepin, but I realized that for many times it does not start with the Deepin. I have to reboot through the terminal. How can I fix this?

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2018-05-28 07:28
perhaps you need make some configuration on systemd. I suppose.
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2018-06-06 03:25
If you mean Apache Tomcat 7, 8 or 9 the answer is "yes, you can fix your wrong configuration of the Servlet container".
I can start Apache Tomcat without any problem.
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2018-06-06 05:09
Hello Blogghete.

I confess I don't have much experience with Apache. I edited my post and put the model of the Apache I'm using. How do I make this setup?

Thank you
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2018-06-07 03:40
Hello Blogghete.

I confess I don't have much experience with Apache. I edited my post and put the m ...

Hi josemarcos,
follow these steps:

1) Download the free archive containing Apache Tomcat 9.0 from this link:
http://it.apache.contactlab.it/t ... he-tomcat-9.0.8.zip

2) Extract the content of the compressed archive in /home/Program_Files/

3) Download the free archive of eclipse oxygen.3 EE 64bit from this link:
https://www.eclipse.org/download ... 3a-win32-x86_64.zip

4) Extract the content of the compressed archive in /home/Programs

5) Run eclipse oxygen.3 EE 64bit

6) In eclipse:
Window > Preferences
Server > Runtime Environment
Add > Apache Tomcat 9.0
Select the installation directory of Apache Tomcat
Apply and close

Window > Show view > Servers
In the Servers tab, add a new Server
Apache Tomcat 9.0
Double click the Server that you have added to the Servers tab
Change the Deploy path to "webapps".
Change the port to "8081" (if another Server is listening to 8080).
Change the start delay to 9999.
Change the Server locations to "Use tomcat installation..."
Save the file.
Open the contextual menu of the added Server and click on "Start"

enoy it!
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2018-06-07 04:40
Hi Blogghete,

Thank you very much. I'll be following the steps.
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2018-06-07 23:42
You're welcome.