2019-08-14 13:50 deepin
Edited by oui at 2019-8-14 05:56
hm! found after installing synaptic! telegram-desktop
but next problem: synaptic, refreshed, will now install webkit3, probably to update xombrero (needing for some newspapers, release "1" of webkit and adequate xombrero are good enough and I use webkit "1" for some other browsers like luakit (not available with webkit 3; I assume that browser epiphany/web from gnome also is not yet available for webkit 3)
how to avoid the installation of more webkit / webengine / etc. claimed by minor interesting software and preserve those software in my installation using synaptic as synaptic will recognize that and try to install that what I don't want?]
(if some xombrero opens and renders correctly the news papers it is good enough! no danger from a good news paper to be infected by somewhat!!! If I can, is all ok!)
hm! found after installing synaptic! telegram-desktop
but next problem: synaptic, refreshed, will now install webkit3, probably to update xombrero (needing for some newspapers, release "1" of webkit and adequate xombrero are good enough and I use webkit "1" for some other browsers like luakit (not available with webkit 3; I assume that browser epiphany/web from gnome also is not yet available for webkit 3)
how to avoid the installation of more webkit / webengine / etc. claimed by minor interesting software and preserve those software in my installation using synaptic as synaptic will recognize that and try to install that what I don't want?]
(if some xombrero opens and renders correctly the news papers it is good enough! no danger from a good news paper to be infected by somewhat!!! If I can, is all ok!)
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