[SOLVED] How to enable high refresh rates & graphics
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2019-11-05 04:10
Edited by granwille at 2020-1-16 16:18


I am on Deepin stable version, and I would like to know how I can set higher refresh rates? My monitor supports up to 144 Hz. But I am limited to 60 Hz on Deepin, and I'd like to change that.

Also, will Deepin v20 use the latest Kernel? I am looking for HDR support too, which come with 5.3 it seems.

Lastly, I use a Laptop, that has an integrated Intel Graphics card as well as a GeForce 940 MX. How can I set it so that my GeForce is my primary card? I am currently on Deepin Bumblebee Solution. And I am not sure if this is the best to be on or how I can change it because it does not allow me to change my Nvidia settings.
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2019-11-05 06:17

I managed to set my refresh rate by running this command via terminal

  1. xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 120
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And now I run at 120 Hz. However, when I restart my PC, I am back to the default 60 Hz and I need to re-run this manually. Is there any way how I can set this as my default settings?

Also, I just noticed that I can no longer change my Nvidia driver settings from Bumblebee to Prime? Nor can I start up Nvidia server x settings either.
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2019-11-08 04:01

I still need assistance on the following, please:

1. How can I set my custom xrandr mode as the default? I have a script that I need to run manually each time I boot into my OS:

  1. xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 120
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2. How do I go from BumbleBee Solution to Prime? I do not have the option on the Nvidia driver settings, and I used to have it on the unstable Deepin version before I switched to stable.
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2020-01-17 00:18

I managed to create another script that now loads during autostart, which runs my xrandr script with the same code as above.
In ~/.config/autostart I created a file called res.desktop and within it, I have this code:

  1. [Desktop Entry]
  2. Name=Res
  3. GenericName=Refresh Rate
  4. Exec=/path/to/my/res.sh
  5. Terminal=false
  6. Type=Application
  7. StartupNotify=false
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Each time I boot into my OS, I no longer need to run my script manually.
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2020-01-17 04:59

I managed to create another script that now loads during autostart, which runs my xrandr scr ...

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Now, you owe me a beer, bro !
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