2020-01-16 05:58 deepin
As far as i can see from your screenshot, it seems componenets of DDE are corrupted or missing.
While booting into chroot, have u tried to force the whole DDE pseudo package reinstallation ?
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While booting into chroot, have u tried to force the whole DDE pseudo package reinstallation ?
- sudo apt-get install --reinstall dde
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Yesterday I installed some packages to try and get my iPhone to connect via iFuse, which ended up failing. I then removed this said packages, and with that, I also removed the light display manager (lightdm) package by accident.
Now when I boot up, I am stuck at the Deepin logo. I tried the following:
1. Tried accessing recovery mode
- This failed because I now get an error saying something about failed to access console root is locked. Which then tries to boot back into the UI.
2. I tried 'Ctrl + Alt + F2' too, and this did not work either since the system does not boot.
Please see image below for the boot error. I am stuck right now and I have no idea what else I am supposed to do right now. PLEASE help I am in a huge need!
Edit 1:
I sat another hour with this but was unable to resolve it. This was the new steps I took to try to resolve my issue:
1. Boot from Deepin LiveUSB
2. Mounted my file system partition and went into chroot
2.1 I ran the following commands:
- mkdir /mnt/hdd && mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/hdd
- mount -t proc none /mnt/hdd/proc
- mount -o bind /dev /mnt/hdd/dev
- mount -o binf /sys /mnt/hdd/sys
- cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/hdd/etc/resolv.conf (To have internet access)
- chroot /mnt/hdd /bin/bash
3. Ran 'apt install lightdm' - and it told me that I already have the latest version installed (Yes, this means it was never missing if I understand correctly).
4. Ran 'apt remove --purge lightdm'
5. Ran 'apt install lightdm' - got an error about /var/lib/lightdm not reachable - but it completed I believed, the install
6. Since I removed a bunch of packages during the iFuse trial, I decided to re-install them all again.
Rebooted, and the problem still persisted. Sighhh I am having a mini panic attack because it's my daily drive OS and now I am screwed. I really hope there's someone that can assist, please.