Screenshots of Deepin V20
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2019-11-10 03:45
Ok, some fresh screenshots of Deepin V20 are posted on the forum by project design manager.
Obviously still work in progress.. He is asking for feedback..

Here is a roughly translated text by Google translate:

Hello everyone, I am the design manager of deepin. I have designed and been responsible for all the designs of deepin for more than 6 years. I know that everyone is very concerned about the V20 news. I can’t wait to share some of the latest with you. In fact, many things don't have a lot of time to look at the forum, but I can assure you that every effort I make in depth is to make everyone have a better experience. I know my colleagues know that I am A very perfect person, I will ask developers to try to achieve the best design and interaction I want, even if a pixel is very important to me, and do my best to bring the best experience to everyone. Although I don't often come to the forum, as long as I am empty, I will seriously read the feedback from everyone and record the thoughts of everyone. This is the idea that I will improve in the future.
I saw a lot of people who reported that the V20's rounded corners are too big. I have a very important principle when designing the V20. “It will be more friendly.” Whether it is visual or operational, the rounded corners are only visual. Just a little bit, it works with many other visual elements and effects to complete such a better operating system. If this is not designed by me, my first thoughts may have the same thoughts as you. It is normal, but one thing is not good. After eating it, I know that it is not good, but visually. The judgment is not accurate, so please give me some confidence. After the V20 is officially handed over to you for a while, you can give me feedback on your use and see if the rounded corners are too big. If yes, I I will definitely make a more appropriate decision for you. After all, the products I design are for all of you, not me.

My WeChat: shule1987, because I don't often come to the forum to see, friends who want to communicate with me can add me WeChat.
Ok, no more nonsense, let me share some of the current screenshots, and there are still a lot of details to be perfected.

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2019-11-10 05:38
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2019-11-11 05:13
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2019-11-10 14:15

@ prijatelj
My 2 cents:

At first sight, rounded corners seem too big indeed..
At second sight,  4 pixels less should do the trick.

One thing (really) bothers me:
Is the control panel a separate applet now ?
Control panel bar is the main reason why I love Deepin so much, and why it's far superior to gnome 3 or unity.
PLEASE, keep it as a control bar !!!!

Last question:
Will V20 fully support theming , and not only a per app light/dark mode ?
Otherwise, beautiful, as usual...
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2019-11-11 07:11
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2019-11-11 12:15
In my opinion, Deepin will be reached it's ideal UI with next release. From now on, developers should just focus on new features and apps that other distributions aren't serve.
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2019-11-12 01:46
For me design is gorgeous.. I like rounded corners.
Yes, side panel is gone (Control Center), but new one looks good-window mode.
Can't wait for this release.. It is very exciting.
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2019-11-12 01:59
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2019-11-11 11:01

@prijatelj: I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one to rage againt control center removal. IMO, this is a huge mistake. Control panel is from the begining Deepin's signature and the most important clue of Deepin's ease of use. May I suggest you conduct a poll about its removal ?
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2019-11-12 02:06
@prijatelj: I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one to rage againt control center removal. IMO, this ...

I'm not the developer of Deepin.. Just a translator/contributor..
You might be better heard here:
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2019-11-12 02:08
@ prijatelj
My 2 cents:

But I think it is a done deal with control center..
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2019-11-12 02:09
Oops. Original translation let me thought you were !!! My apologies  
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