Posts today: 147 Posts yesterday: 455 All: 1310818
Community Discussion 【】 Not able to install mcrypt using apt-get install php5-mcrypt
Community Discussion 【】 Switching languages shortcut
Community Discussion 【】 Can't change mac address in Linux Deepin
Community Discussion 【】 Changing fonts
Community Discussion 【】 Deepin won't boot off D drive?
Community Discussion 【】 How To Setup Preferred and Alternative DNS?
Community Discussion 【】 Google Earth
Community Discussion 【】 How to change the size of the dock?
Community Discussion 【】 Brazil [pt_BR] translation
Community Discussion 【】 2014 RC Initial observations
Community Discussion 【】 deepin 2014 review and critique
Community Discussion 【】 Bluetooth Manager in Deepin 2014
Community Discussion 【】 Dock only appears after logout/login, not on boot
Community Discussion 【】 Deepin Linux 2014 still needs polishing...
Community Discussion 【】 user account management
Community Discussion 【】 [Solved] Boot Issue
Community Discussion 【】 Problem with Slow Deepin Repos
Community Discussion 【】 Issue on "How to report an issue"!
Community Discussion 【】 "Missing Operating System"
Community Discussion 【】 stdin
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